
The key to our Employment Program is structure and support, each step of the way. Our dayroom is equipped with six computers, with which guests can search for jobs, complete applications, and correspond with potential employers.

And our employment team is always available to provide assistance and advice.

The process begins once an individual has worked closely with his or her Case Manager to develop a “90-day plan.” Now, the job seeker is ready to meet with the employment team to design a concrete, individualized approach.

First, we set specific goals on the basis of the individual’s employment history, abilities, and aspirations. Real results depend on a realistic assessment of strengths and weaknesses.

Then we get to work, from the ground up.

Once we’ve assembled a resume and drafted a cover letter, we connect with local employers, coordinate with partner organizations, and attend job fairs. We submit job applications either in person or electronically.

Next, we turn to community organizations that provide interview clothes. We conduct mock interviews in order to build confidence and show guests how to present their best self. And then we offer transportation to and from interviews.

Getting the job often turns out to be the easy part. Due to the difficulties of living at an emergency shelter and the circumstances that brought our guests to our doors, many face meaningful obstacles to maintaining full-time employment. Cooperating with Case Managers, the employment team provides ongoing support in order to help individuals overcome personal and social hurdles, resolve workplace issues, and advance towards better work and better pay.

Finally, we discuss money management, helping each guest develop a budget and savings plan.

Work is the path to independence, self-worth, and social integration within the community. The Employment Program does everything it can to set individuals on that path.

0 ADULTS AND CHILDREN served in 2018
0 CHILDREN sheltered in 2018
0 adults found EMPLOYMENT in 2018
0 adults and children HOUSED in 2018